From Making a Happy Cat to Building a Happy Family

Bambi and Ygritte are Mutlu’s sisters (in case you missed, here is Happy Cat Mutlu’s Adoption Story.) First Bambi came into our lives, then we found Ygritte. Actually I didn’t have any courage to bring another kitty home because Mutlu is very jealous, and even the times he smelled other kitties on my clothes, he once didn’t eat for 3 days. We all thought he was sick, but the vet revealed his dirty secret; that it was all about getting attention because of the jealousy. Mutlu grew up as the only cat in our house and he is kind of a spoiled little kid. But the moment I saw Bambi on Instagram saying “Looking for a home” I couldn’t resist her and took all the risks about Mutlu and brought her right home.


From Making a Cat Happy to Building a Happy Family | Cute4Kind Adopted Cat Bambi


Bambi has a very tragic story. As far as we know, Bambi was found on the streets on April 6th with a damaged tail. She was taken to the vet clinic by a nice lady. Nobody knows what happened to her tail, maybe evil kids did something, or a car ran over her tail. It can be anything. Her tail was damaged so bad, it had to be amputated. The vet said it was called necrosis, means the death of local cells. She was only 35 days old when she had to go though this.


From Making a Cat Happy to Building a Happy Family | Cute4Kind Adopted Cat Story Hurt BambiI saw the vet’s post on Instagram with the photo of Bambi, and her condition. If you can recall, I brought Mutlu home without asking my family members, my aunt and my grandma, but this time I had to convince them for another kitty because I took all the responsibility for Mutlu and now It was gonna be double responsibility, double expenses, double of everything. They had to be sure that I can handle it all. They love cats. They love having them around but the responsibilities are all on me. I talked to my aunt on the phone for almost and hour. I talked to my grandma. And after all the conversations, I left the office since I was working early, and rushed to the vet clinic. Bambi was sleeping with another stray kitty. She was so wild, but we put her into a box and I took her home. She was like a wild lynx, literally. A little fluffy wild lynx, growling everytime I try to touch her. Mutlu was walking around her box like a vulture and he was growling at her too. Everyone was growling at eachother and I was deeply thinking “How will they get along?” That night Bambi let me touch her and since then she can’t stop purring. She was always around Mutlu and trying to play with his tail, jumping on him. Mutlu was very aggerssive at first but as the time passed by they became friends.


From Making a Cat Happy to Building a Happy Family | Cute4Kind Adopted Cat Story Bambi when he was a very cute kitten


Two cats were okay, I was taking the responsibility, they were getting along so well. Then one day Ygritte came out of nowhere. Literally nowhere. Her story is a sad one with a happy ending too. Let me tell you all about her.


From Making a Cat Happy to Building a Happy Family | Cute4Kind Adopted Cat Story Bambi and Mutlu kitten cuddle


On the 29th of April, I woke up 5 in the morning, drove 3 hours to Istanbul, spent 8 hours at the airport waiting for our guests, stuck in traffic for 6 hours on my way back, and finally got home at midnight. I heard a kitty meowing in our garden but there was no light so I couldn’t see anything. There are almost 30 stray cats living around my house, I feed them everyday, so I thought maybe one of the babies calling her mother. I went inside. I was so tired and I just wanted to sleep. But the kitty was still meowing outside. Then my aunt said ” Don’t you wanna rescue another kitty? This one has been meowing since this morning.” I jumped out of the bed, took a flashlight and an old tshirt of mine, went outside and walked into the bushes. As I stepped in the kitty stopped meowing, I stepped out and she started again. I still couldn’t see her. There was a truck parked next the bushes. I checked under it, I thought maybe the kitty is stuck or something. Then I saw her next to the tire of the truck. A little yellow-white kitty. I tried to reach her, she growled and tried to escape. I didn’t want to lose her in the middle of the night so I threw my t-shirt on her and grabbed her. She was shaking in my hands. She stopped growling but she was incredibly shaking. I went inside and didn’t leave her for a second. She was still in my hands.


From Making a Cat Happy to Building a Happy Family | Cute4Kind Adopted Cat Story Ygitte the super cute kitten first adopted


Mutlu and Bambi surrounded me and they started growling. Mutlu didn’t care about Ygritte but Bambi was always around and she was reacting way more aggressive than Mutlu reacted to Bambi. Ygritte had been out there all day, meowing and scared, surrounded with a lot of male strays, hungry. I fed her with kitty milk and she fell asleep on my lap. When she woke up, she couldn’t walk properly. She was falling on her back feet after a few steps. I thought she had a neurological disorder or a spinal injury. I decided to take her to the vet. But as the weekend passed, Ygritte was fine, more than fine. She was jumping, playing even fighting with Bambi. The reason she couldnt walk is that she stayed out too long hungry and she was tired, stressed and shocked. The saddest thing of all, as I said I feed the strays here, so I know them. I know which one came to dinner, which one didn’t, which one is pregnant, which one is taking her babies out to explore… But I’ve never seen Ygritte or a cat like her around. Most probably someone who doesn’t like animals found her in his yard or something, then seperated her from her mother and brought her here to get rid of her. If I didn’t go outside that night even though I was exhausted, she could have been ran over by the truck, killed by the male cats or dogs, or starved to death.


The cat population in our house suddenly increased from 1 to 3 and tripled all my responsibilities. I was thinking of finding Ygritte a new home because even I wasn’t sure if I could handle 1 adult and 2 crazy kittens but I did. I even made the 3 of them get along and cuddle together.


From Making a Cat Happy to Building a Happy Family | Cute4Kind Adopted Cat StoryBig cuddle from Happy Mutlu Bambi and Ygritte


Bambi was very aggressive to Ygritte for days, but one day I took both of them to the vet in a catbox together. They forgot about each other and focused on the real enemy outside, the cars, the scary vet, weird noises… On our way back from the vet they were sleeping on eachother like sisters, and since then, they became sisters from the same mother. Mutlu occasionally joins them, most of the time kittens drive him crazy but in the end they love each other.


From Making a Cat Happy to Building a Happy Family | Cute4Kind Adopted Cat Story Ygritte and Bambi cuddling kittens the best ever


I’m certain about not getting a 4th cat, because it is really too much to handle. On the other hand I have many cats waiting for me everyday in my garden. This is what makes me happy, knowing that I’m making difference in a desperate animal’s life, being the only hope for them for a cup of food everyday. This is the best feeling a humanbeing can feel and how lucky am I, I feel it in the deepest of my heart.


From Making a Cat Happy to Building a Happy Family | Cute4Kind Adopted Cat Story see you again happycatmutlu family



To see more of this CUTEST furry family, please go to Happy Cat Mutlu’s Facebook Fan Page and join with more than 13k followers @HappyCatMutlu in Instagram.

